The average house price on CRANWORTH GREEN is £100,855
The most expensive house in the street is 2 CRANWORTH GREEN with an estimated value of £163,142
The cheapest house in the street is 4 CRANWORTH GREEN with an estimated value of £71,053
The house which was most recently sold was 11 CRANWORTH GREEN, this sold on 27 Jun 2022 for £73,000
The postcode for CRANWORTH GREEN is TS17 7ED
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
2 CRANWORTH GREEN Terraced £163,142 £28,500 18 Dec 1995
4 CRANWORTH GREEN Terraced £71,053 £49,000 23 Jul 2015
5 CRANWORTH GREEN Terraced £111,626 £29,950 25 Aug 2000
7 CRANWORTH GREEN Terraced £83,135 £38,950 12 Feb 2004
9 CRANWORTH GREEN Terraced £72,858 £64,000 17 May 2021
11 CRANWORTH GREEN Terraced £74,595 £73,000 27 Jun 2022
15 CRANWORTH GREEN Terraced £129,581 £75,000 2 Feb 2012